"use strict"; // Start of use strict // 1. revolution slider function revolutionSliderActiver () { if ($('.rev_slider_wrapper #slider1').length) { jQuery("#slider1").revolution({ sliderType:"standard", sliderLayout:"auto", dottedOverlay:"yes", delay:5000, navigation: { arrows:{enable:true, left: { h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 60, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: "right", v_align: "center", h_offset: 60, v_offset: 0 } } }, gridwidth: [1200, 940, 720, 480], gridheight: [683, 650, 630, 600], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "mouse", origo: "slidercenter", speed: 2000, levels: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 16, 10, 50], }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", stopLoop: "off", stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); }; } function stickyHeader () { if ($('.stricky').length) { var strickyScrollPos = 100; if($(window).scrollTop() > strickyScrollPos) { $('.stricky').removeClass('fadeIn animated'); $('.stricky').addClass('stricky-fixed fadeInDown animated'); $('.scroll-to-top').fadeIn(500); } else if($(this).scrollTop() <= strickyScrollPos) { $('.stricky').removeClass('stricky-fixed fadeInDown animated'); $('.stricky').addClass('slideIn animated'); $('.scroll-to-top').fadeOut(500); } }; } // 3. gallery fancybox activator function GalleryFancyboxActivator () { var galleryFcb = $('.fancybox'); if(galleryFcb.length){ galleryFcb.fancybox({ openEffect : 'elastic', closeEffect : 'elastic', helpers : { media : {} } }); } } // 4. select menu function selectMenu () { if ($('.select-menu').length) { $('.select-menu').selectmenu(); }; } // 4. select menu function tooltip () { if ($('.tool_tip').length) { $('.tool_tip').tooltip(); }; $ } // Language switcher function languageSwitcher() { if ($("#polyglot-language-options").length) { $('#polyglotLanguageSwitcher').polyglotLanguageSwitcher({ effect: 'slide', animSpeed: 150, testMode: true, onChange: function(evt) { alert("The selected language is: " + evt.selectedItem); } }); }; } // 11. testimonails carousel function testimonialsCarosuleGardener() { if ($('.testimonials-slider').length) { $('.testimonials-slider').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, nav: true, navText: [ '', '' ], dots: false, autoplay:true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1, loop:true, dots:false }, 480:{ items:1, loop:true, dots:false }, 768:{ items:2, loop:true, dots:false }, 1000:{ items:3, loop:true } } }); } } // 5. client carousel function clientCarousel () { if ($('.client-carousel').length) { $('.client-carousel.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, nav: false, dots: false, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, responsive: { 0:{ items:1, autoWidth: false }, 380:{ items:2, autoWidth: false }, 540:{ items:3, autoWidth: false }, 740:{ items:4, autoWidth: false }, 1000:{ items:5, autoWidth: false } } }); }; } // 5. client carousel function gallerycarousel () { if ($('.gallery_carousel').length) { $('.gallery_carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, nav: false, dots: false, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1, autoWidth: false }, 380:{ items:2, autoWidth: false }, 540:{ items:3, autoWidth: false }, 740:{ items:4, autoWidth: false }, 1000:{ items:5, autoWidth: false } } }); }; } function galleryslide () { if ($('.gallery_slide').length) { $('.gallery_slide').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true }); }; } function testimonialsarousel () { if ($('.testimonial-carousel').length) { $('.testimonial-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, items: 1, nav: true, navText: [ '', '' ], dots: true, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true }); }; } function testimonialsarousel2 () { if ($('.testimonial-carousel2').length) { $('.testimonial-carousel2').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, items: 1, nav: true, navText: [ '', '' ], dots: true, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true }); }; } function feedbackcarousel () { if ($('.feedback-carousel').length) { $('.feedback-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true }); }; } function teamcarousel () { if ($('.team_carousel').length) { $('.team_carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, nav: true, navText: [ '', '' ], dots: false, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1, autoWidth: false }, 540:{ items:2, autoWidth: false }, 740:{ items:3, autoWidth: false }, 992:{ items:4, autoWidth: false } } }); }; } function achiveCarousel () { if ($('.achive-carousel').length) { $('.achive-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 30, nav: false, dots: true, autoWidth: false, autoplay:true, autoplayTimeout:3000, autoplayHoverPause:true, responsive: { 0:{ items:1, autoWidth: false }, 380:{ items:2, autoWidth: false }, 540:{ items:3, autoWidth: false }, 740:{ items:3, autoWidth: false }, 1000:{ items:4, autoWidth: false } } }); }; } // Fact Counter function factCounter() { if($('.fact-counter').length){ $('.fact-counter .counter-column.animated').each(function() { var $t = $(this), n = $t.find(".count-text").attr("data-stop"), r = parseInt($t.find(".count-text").attr("data-speed"), 10); if (!$t.hasClass("counted")) { $t.addClass("counted"); $({ countNum: $t.find(".count-text").text() }).animate({ countNum: n }, { duration: r, easing: "linear", step: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(Math.floor(this.countNum)); }, complete: function() { $t.find(".count-text").text(this.countNum); } }); } }); } } // 9. gallery function fleetGallery () { if ($('.mixit-gallery').length) { $('.mixit-gallery').mixItUp(); }; } // 10. typed plugin function typed () { if ($(".typed").length) { $(".typed").typed({ stringsElement: $('.typed-strings'), typeSpeed: 200, backDelay: 1500, loop: true, contentType: 'html', // or text // defaults to false for infinite loop loopCount: false, callback: function () { null; }, resetCallback: function () { newTyped(); } }); }; } // 14. single featured hover function singleFeaturedHover () { if ($('.single-our-feature').length) { $('.single-our-feature').hover(function () { var bgHover = $(this).data('hover-background'); $(this).css({ 'background-image': 'url('+bgHover+')' }); }, function () { $(this).css({ 'background-image': '' }); }); }; } // 20. Responsive Video function respnsiveVideo () { if ($('.responsive-video-box').length) { $('.responsive-video-box').fitVids(); } } //21 Price Ranger function priceFilter() { if ($('.price-ranger').length) { $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider({ range: true, min: 10, max: 200, values: [11, 99], slide: function(event, ui) { $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .min').val('$' + ui.values[0]); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .max').val('$' + ui.values[1]); } }); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .min').val('$' + $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider('values', 0)); $('.price-ranger .ranger-min-max-block .max').val('$' + $('.price-ranger #slider-range').slider('values', 1)); }; } // 22. Cart Touch Spin function cartTouchSpin () { if($('.quantity-spinner').length){ $("input.quantity-spinner").TouchSpin({ verticalbuttons: true }); } } // 23. Video Fancybox function videoFancybox () { if ($("a.video-fancybox").length) { $("a.video-fancybox").click(function() { $.fancybox({ 'padding' : 0, 'autoScale' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'title' : this.title, 'width' : 680, 'height' : 495, 'href' : this.href.replace(new RegExp("watch\\?v=", "i"), 'v/'), 'type' : 'swf', openEffect : 'elastic', closeEffect : 'elastic', helpers : { media : {} }, 'swf' : { 'wmode' : 'transparent', 'allowfullscreen' : 'true' } }); return false; }); }; } // 31. Tabs Box function tabbox() { if($('.tabs-box').length){ //Tabs $('.tabs-box .tab-buttons .tab-btn').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab')); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tab-buttons').find('.tab-btn').removeClass('active-btn'); $(this).addClass('active-btn'); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').fadeOut(0); target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').removeClass('active-tab'); $(target).fadeIn(300); $(target).addClass('active-tab'); }); } } // 32. imgbxslider function imgbxslider() { if($('.img-slide-box').length){ $('.img-slide-box').bxSlider({ adaptiveHeight: true, auto:true, controls:false, maxSlides: 1, minSlides: 1, moveSlides: 1, pause: 5000, speed: 700 }); } } // Prealoder function handlePreloader() { if($('.preloader').length){ $('.preloader').delay(200).fadeOut(500); } } // Scroll to top function scrollToTop() { if ($('.scroll-top').length) { //Check to see if the window is top if not then display button $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) { $('.scroll-top').fadeIn(); } else { $('.scroll-top').fadeOut(); } }); //Click event to scroll to top $('.scroll-top').click(function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1500); return false; }); } } function singleProduct () { $('.flexslider').flexslider({ animation: "slide", controlNav: "thumbnails" }); } // Main Menu Function function themeMenu() { if ($("#main_menu").length) { $("#main_menu").menuzord({ animation: "zoom-out" }); } } function thmLightBox() { if ($('.img-popup').length) { var groups = {}; $('.img-popup').each(function() { var id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-group'), 10); if (!groups[id]) { groups[id] = []; } groups[id].push(this); }); $.each(groups, function() { $(this).magnificPopup({ type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside: false, gallery: { enabled: true } }); }); }; } function galleryMasonaryLayout() { if ($('.masonary-layout').length) { $('.masonary-layout').isotope({ layoutMode: 'masonry' }); } if ($('.post-filter').length) { $('.post-filter li').children('span').click(function() { var Self = $(this); var selector = Self.parent().attr('data-filter'); $('.post-filter li').children('span').parent().removeClass('active'); Self.parent().addClass('active'); $('.filter-layout').isotope({ filter: selector, animationOptions: { duration: 500, easing: 'linear', queue: false } }); return false; }); } if ($('.post-filter.has-dynamic-filter-counter').length) { // var allItem = $('.single-filter-item').length; var activeFilterItem = $('.post-filter.has-dynamic-filter-counter').find('li'); activeFilterItem.each(function() { var filterElement = $(this).data('filter'); console.log(filterElement); var count = $('.gallery-content').find(filterElement).length; $(this).children('span').append('' + count + ''); }); }; } //Contact Form Validation if($("#contact-form").length){ $("#contact-form").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { var form_btn = $(form).find('button[type="submit"]'); var form_result_div = '#form-result'; $(form_result_div).remove(); form_btn.before('
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